
Andriushchenko: Russian aviation activation spotted near Mariupol

 • 19855 переглядiв

It was observed that Russian planes became more active in the Mariupol area and moved northeast toward the Volnovakha district, after which they attacked in the Zaporizhzhia direction and returned.

Russian planes have been spotted in the area of the temporarily occupied Mariupol, the city's mayoral advisor Petro Andriushchenko said on Monday, UNN reports.

We are recording the activation of Russian aviation in the Mariupol region. They are coming to the north-east to the level of Volnovakha district, launching to Zaporizhzhia direction and back. This is unusual. Unusual direction of attacks and unusually close. Are you relaxed?

- Andriushchenko wrote on Telegram.

Для боротьби з російськими авіабомбами треба заблокувати тактичну авіацію ворога - Гуменюк04.03.24, 11:31


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Andriushchenko: Russian aviation activation spotted near Mariupol

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