
Amid the blockade there are 800 trucks on the border with Poland, and another thousand in the unblocked Shehyni

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As of this morning, there are about 800 trucks in queues in Poland heading to Ukraine amid the blockade of three checkpoints by Polish carriers. Another thousand are at the unblocked Shehyni checkpoint. This was announced by the spokesman of the State Border Guard Service Andriy Demchenko during a telethon on Friday, an UNN correspondent reports.


"The blockade continues. There are three directions: "Yahodyn, Rava-Ruska, Krakivets. "Shehyni was unblocked the other day. Of course, we see a queue in front of Shehyni checkpoint because drivers and carriers are looking for routes to cross the border," said Demchenko.

He noted that as of this morning, there were a thousand trucks in front of the Shehyni checkpoint.

Around 800 vehicles in front of the three directions that continue to be blocked

- Demchenko said.


Since November 6, Polish carriers have been blocking checkpoints on the border with Ukraine for trucks. Initially, this affected three checkpoints, and later the blockade was extended to four checkpoints. Farmers also joined the carriers.

On January 6, Polish farmers ended the blockade in front of the Medyka-Shehyni checkpoint.

Anna Murashko



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