
According to putin, almost 700 thousand russians are on "svo"

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The russian leader announced a new figure for the russian contingent in the war in Ukraine.

russian president vladimir putin said that almost 700,000 russians are taking part in the war. According to UNN, he made this statement on June 14 during a meeting with participants in an educational program for russian military personnel who took part in the war against Ukraine.

According to putin, there are nearly 700,000 russian troops in the area of the so-called "special operation".

Before that, putin had named the number of russian troops in Ukraine at the end of 2023. Then, according to him, 617 thousand russian troops were involved in the war against Ukraine . 


According to the General Staff, since the beginning of the invasion of Ukraine, russian troops have lost approximately 524,060 personnel and 7,936 tanks, and in just one day, russian troops lost 1,250 people.

Втрати рф у війні проти України вже 350 тисяч вбитими або пораненими, 24 судна - Остін13.06.24, 15:36

Iryna Kolesnik



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