
Zelensky comments on Trump's plan to end the war in Ukraine

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Zelenskiy criticized Trump's "primitive" peace plan to transfer Ukrainian territories to Russia, saying that negotiations with Putin are questionable and that human lives are at stake.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has criticized Donald Trump's peace plan. He called it primitive  if Trump really wants to end the war by transferring Ukrainian territories to Russia.  Volodymyr Zelenskyy said this in an interview with Bild on April 9, UNN reports .


Ukraine's president says he is ready to listen to Trump if he has his own opinion on ending the war quickly.

We need strong arguments. We need not a fantastic idea, but a real one. We are talking about human lives, we cannot joke and we cannot take risks

the Head of State said.

Commenting on the topic of Trump's peace plan, Zelenskyy emphasized that negotiations with Russia are generally a dubious affair. After all, Vladimir Putin cannot be trusted: he says one thing and does something else.

Зеленський пояснив, чому Шольц відмовляється передати ракети Taurus10.04.24, 01:13


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