
Yusov: russia has problems with the plan to recruit manpower and this will affect the situation at the front

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Andriy Yusov, a representative of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine, spoke about russia's problems with recruiting new contract soldiers. This will have an impact on the situation at the front, despite attempts to replenish losses.

The russians have problems with the plan to recruit manpower, and  this will have an impact on the situation at the front. This was stated by a representative of the Main Intelligence Directorate, Andriy Yusov, during a telethon, according to a correspondent of UNN.


The TV presenter noted that the commander of the National Guard, Brigadier General Oleksandr Pivnenko, said that he believed that russian troops would not be able to conduct active assault operations in a month and a half and would be forced to take up the defense.

He also asked Yusov how military intelligence  assesses the russians' ability to attack.

It is clear that such estimates are made on the basis of, among other things, large losses in manpower, equipment, and enemy forces and means. Yes, they can currently replenish these losses, but there are already serious, significant problems with the recruitment of new contractors, and the aggressor state is coming up with new incentives at various levels to attract new cannon fodder, but this machine is starting to fail

- Yusov replied.

That is why, according to him, such forecasts appear. 

We can already state that there are problems with the manpower recruitment plan, and this will have an impact on the situation at the front

- Yusov said.


DeepState analysts report that russians are advancing toward Pokrovsk on the frontline.

Commander-in-Chief Alexander Syrsky statedthat the losses of the russian army are "three times" higher than those of the Ukrainian Defense Forces, and in some areas "even higher." 

Ще плюс 950 окупантів і 7 танків: Генштаб оновив дані про втрати26.07.24, 07:26


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