
Yermak discusses preparations for the Global Peace Summit with Brazilian Ambassador

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Andriy Yermak met with the Ambassador of Brazil to Ukraine and discussed preparations for the upcoming Global Peace Summit in Switzerland, recent Russian attacks on Ukraine, including a missile attack on a residential building in Odesa.

Head of the Presidential Office Andriy Yermak met with Ambassador of Brazil to Ukraine Norton de Andrade Mello Rapesta. The parties discussed preparations for the first Global Peace Summit scheduled for Switzerland, as well as Russia's recent attacks on Ukraine, including the recent shelling that resulted in a Russian missile hitting a residential building in Odesa. Yermak wrote about this in his Telegram channel, UNN reports.


According to Yermak, during the meeting with the Brazilian ambassador to Ukraine, they discussed preparations for the first Global Peace Summit to be held in Switzerland.

"It is very important to have as many countries from all continents that respect international law and recognize the territorial integrity of Ukraine as possible, so that the leaders of these countries can work out a common solution to achieve a sustainable and just peace. Participation in the summit is a position of building a civilized world without war and with respect for borders," Yermak said.

He also told the ambassador about the ongoing Russian terror and its tragic consequences with numerous victims, including the recent shelling that resulted in a Russian missile hitting a residential building in Odesa.

"We also discussed topical issues of the bilateral agenda, including ways to intensify contacts between Ukraine and Brazil at the intergovernmental and inter-parliamentary levels," summarized Yermak.

Україна запросила представників Мексики на Глобальний саміт миру03.01.24, 19:04


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