
Will include only blacklists: the EU told the media details of proposals for the 13th package

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The new 13th package of EU sanctions against Russia will include only individual blacklists, not sectoral sanctions, according to an EU official.

The new, 13th package of European Union sanctions against Russia will include only blacklists. This was announced by an EU official in a commentary to Radio Liberty, UNN reports.

According to him, the European External Action Service will only propose individual sanctions.

"The package is needed before the two-year anniversary (of the full-scale war - ed.) , there is not much time, so the EU proposes only individual sanctions, which is what the G7 partners will do. But at the same time, the European Commission will continue to work on the implementation of sectoral and adopted sanctions and the fight against their circumvention," the source said.

13 пакет санкцій ЄС проти рф буде найслабшим з усіх - журналіст04.02.24, 21:03

He expects the proposals to be submitted to the Committee of Permanent Representatives next week. The European Commission has received 245 proposals for new sanctioned persons, of which 160 are companies and individuals involved in the military sector, including the production of drones, ammunition and high-tech goods:

18 proposals concerned the supply of weapons to North Korea; 10 Belarusian companies and individuals; among the more famous names were the admiral of the Black Sea Fleet and the governor of the Tula region.

В 13-ому пакеті санкцій ЄС проти рф немає заборон на імпорт алюмінію - ЗМІ 05.02.24, 11:28

According to the newspaper, the sanctions lists are expected to include people involved in the deportation of Ukrainian children, the spread of Russian propaganda, judges, real estate companies, and transportation companies. The proposals also mention the Sonatech company, allegedly linked to spyware.

The European Commission will also introduce 24 new items in the annexes related to the procurement of components for drones, the EU official said. He also noted that some EU member states have criticized the Commission because the package contains only individual sanctions.


Earlier, Reuters reported, citing sources, that after the adoption of the 13th package of sanctions, the European Commission will quickly propose a 14th set of sanctions, which may include new import bans.

Brussels believes that there are few issues on which the EU countries could reach a unanimous agreement, as sanctions on Russian nuclear fuel and liquefied natural gas are not currently under consideration.

Antonina Tumanova



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