
"We will be able to get a positive vote": Zelensky on the US Congress' decision to help Ukraine

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Ukrainian President Zelenskyy expects the US Congress to approve a large-scale military aid package that is crucial to protecting Ukraine from possible Russian counteroffensives.

Ukraine expects a positive decision by the US Congress to approve a large-scale military aid package. This was stated by President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy during a telethon, UNN reports


The President emphasized that the assistance from the United States was extremely important for our country.

We understand when the Russians may have a counteroffensive. So here's the answer to when it is critical to get the appropriate scarce weapons. Without this money, we will not be able to get such volumes. And I still believe that we will be able to get a positive vote of the US Congress

- Zelensky said. 

According to him, Ukraine regularly informs the American side about the situation at the front and the urgent needs of the defense forces. Zelenskyy emphasized that macro-financial assistance from the United States would strengthen the state's economy and our Armed Forces.

Концепція допомоги Україні обговорюється: спікер Конгресу США про механізм фінансування України21.03.24, 12:06


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