
UN calls for a ceasefire in Gaza during Ramadan - UN Security Council resolution

 • 24817 переглядiв

The UN Security Council voted in favor of a resolution calling for a ceasefire in Gaza during Ramadan, but the US abstained, warning that it could harm ongoing ceasefire negotiations.

The United Nations Security Council has voted in favor of a resolution calling on the parties to cease fire in Gaza during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, which was its first demand for an end to hostilities. UNN writes about this with reference to AR.


The United States abstained from voting on the resolution, which also demanded the release of all hostages taken by Hamas. The United States warned that the approved resolution could harm the negotiations on the cessation of hostilities between the United States, Egypt and Qatar, raising the possibility of another veto, this time by the Americans.

The resolution, proposed by the 10 elected members of the Council, was supported by russia and China, as well as the 22-nation Arab Group at the UN.

Since Ramadan ends next month, the ceasefire will last only two weeks, although the draft states that the pause in hostilities should lead to "a permanent sustainable ceasefire.

U.S. Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield said at the Council meeting on Friday that the text of the resolution "does not support sensitive diplomacy in the region. Worse, it may actually give Hamas a reason to reject the agreement on the table.

We should not move forward with any resolution that jeopardizes the ongoing negotiations

- She said.

The United States has vetoed three resolutions calling for a ceasefire in Gaza, the most recent of which was adopted on February 20 with the support of Arab countries. This resolution was supported by 13 Council members with one abstention, indicating overwhelming support for a ceasefire.

Ізраїль блокує продовольчу допомогу ООН для північної Гази25.03.24, 05:46

In late October, russia and China vetoed a US-backed resolution calling for pauses in the fighting to deliver aid, protect civilians, and stop Hamas from arming itself. They said it did not reflect global calls for a ceasefire.


Since the beginning of the war, the Security Council has adopted two resolutions on the deteriorating humanitarian situation in Gaza, but neither of them called for a ceasefire.

According to the Gaza Ministry of Health, more than 32,000 Palestinians have been killed in the fighting. The ministry does not distinguish between civilians and combatants in its calculations, but says that women and children account for two-thirds of the dead.

Gaza is also facing a humanitarian emergency: On March 18, the International Hunger Organization warned that "famine is imminent" in northern Gaza and that an escalation of the war could push half of the territory's 2.3 million people to the brink of starvation.

Генсек ООН відвідав пункт пропуску у Рафах та заявив, що будь-який напад Ізраїлю призведе до гуманітарної катастрофи у Газі23.03.24, 17:56


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