
“Ukrenergo to launch first auctions for shunting generation services in August - Kudrytskyi

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“Ukrenergo will start auctions for shunting generation services in August. The first auction for more than 1000 MW is planned to be held to attract investments in new power plants with a 5-year payback guarantee.

“Starting in August, Ukrenergo will start holding the first special auctions for ancillary services to provide frequency control reserves and active power, which will become early guarantees for investing in the development of shunting generation. This was stated by Volodymyr Kudrytskyi, Chairman of the Board of NPC Ukrenergo, during a briefing, UNN reports .


Together with the national regulator, we have found a way for new decentralized or distributed generation to be built in Ukraine, in particular the part of it that is called balancing, that is, the part that is capable of participating in balancing the power system. In fact, we are talking about a contract that will be auctioned off to dozens, perhaps hundreds of future power plants. A contract that will guarantee them a fee for the service after they are built and connected to the grid. In fact, it is a balancing service, a safety net for our power system, and this contract will be concluded for five years so that new power plants can guarantee their payback

- Kudrycki said. 

 According to him, the first auction is scheduled for August.

“A lot of Ukrainian companies that have not been in the energy business before are ready to build their own capacities - either for their own plants to avoid outages, or to operate in the market as a separate business division.” ”Therefore, we hope that the volume of services at the first auction, which will be more than 1000 MW, will be sold out. At least most of it,” added Kudrytskyi.


Ukraine has launched programs to support citizens and businessesto strengthen energy independence and install alternative energy sources. The first loan to a business for the installation of a solar power plant and the first loans to individuals for the installation of alternative energy sources have already been issued. 

Pavlo Bashynskyi



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