
Ukraine's first technological beds for treating patients with burn injuries appeared in Odesa region

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The Odesa Burn Unit has received unique PEARLS beds with a pneumatic cushion, which for the first time in Ukraine improve the care and recovery of patients with burn injuries.

Today, on January 12, the charitable foundations UNILEX and Mercy Victor handed over unique equipment to the burn unit of Odesa City Clinical Hospital No. 10, which was introduced in Ukraine for the first time, UNN reports.


The equipment was transferred with the assistance of Oleh Kiper, the head of the Odesa Regional Medical Association, the OMA reports. These are PEARLS beds for the treatment of patients with burn injuries with fluidized air. They will improve the quality of medical care for burn injuries and the comfort of stay, reduce the number of complications, wound infections and pressure ulcers.

"I am grateful to my friends, the UNILEX and Mercy Victor charitable foundations, for providing Odesa City Clinical Hospital No. 10 with unique equipment that is the first of its kind in Ukraine. These are PEARLS fluidized air beds for treating patients with burn injuries. They will improve the quality of medical care for burns: reduce the number of complications, wound infections and pressure ulcers," said Kiper.

The equipment was handed over by Oleksandr Kharlov, Deputy Head of the Odesa Regional Military Administration.

"Many people are now suffering from burns as a result of Russian shelling. These are not only military personnel, but also civilians and children. We do not forget about the factor of ordinary household fires. It is important for us not only to save every life, but also to ensure the most painless and quick recovery of our people and to facilitate the work of doctors. These beds and other equipment are very necessary," said Alexander Kharlov.

Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion in Odesa, the number of burn injuries has increased by almost two and a half times over the past two years due to the shelling by Russian terrorists. The Burn Department of Odesa City Clinical Hospital No. 10 has saved and continues to save hundreds of lives of both Odesa residents and patients from the region.

"The importance of strengthening the resources of the hospital's combustiology service is very important and relevant. The entire hospital staff expresses its sincere gratitude to Oleh Kiper, the head of the Odesa Regional Medical Association, and philanthropists for facilitating the receipt of the latest modern equipment - beds with fluidized air. They will allow us to avoid complications of burn surfaces and pressure ulcers as much as possible, and the provided resuscitation trolleys and gurneys will allow the institution to organize emergency medical care throughout the entire facility and ensure the quality of medical care of the appropriate level in accordance with existing international medical and technological standards," said Denys Sebov, chief physician of Odesa City Clinical Hospital No. 10.  

Antonina Tumanova



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