
Three Ukrainians die in a car accident in Poland

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Three Ukrainians were killed in a car accident near the Polish city of Gliwice after an Audi A6 collided with an Audi A4 and hit a tree.

In the south of Poland near the city of Gliwice, an Audi A6 driven by a 40-year-old driver collided with an Audi A4 on a curve, drove off the road and collided with a tree. Three Ukrainian citizens died in the accident. This was reported by RMF24, according to UNN.


According to information from the Silesian Voivodeship Police, an Audi A6 driven by a 40-year-old driven by a 40-year-old driver, collided with an Audi A4 on a curve, drove off the road and hit a tree. an Audi A4, drove off the road and collided with a tree.

Gliwice police spokesman Marek Slominski later reported that three Ukrainian citizens were killed in the accident.


As previously reported by UNN, two Ukrainians were injured in an accident in the Turkish province of Sakarya two Ukrainian women were injured. There are no threats to their lives there are no threats to their lives

Жахлива аварія на автомагістралі поблизу Стамбула за участю 7 транспортних засобів: 10 загиблих, 59 поранених28.12.23, 12:16

Olga Rozgon



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