
The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry commented on Prime Minister Fico's statement on a compromise with Russia: "Without security in Ukraine, there will be no security in Slovakia"

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The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry says there will be no security in Slovakia or in Europe if there is no security in Ukraine. This statement was made in response to Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico's proposal that Ukraine compromise by ceding part of its territory to Russia.

Ukraine and its partners are making efforts to prevent the spread of Russian aggression in Europe. Without security in Ukraine, neither Slovakia nor Europe as a whole will be safe. This is how Foreign Ministry spokesman Oleh Nikolenko commented on Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico's words about a compromise with Russia and the transfer of part of Ukraine's territory to Russia, UNN reports. 


The Foreign Ministry emphasized that there can be no compromise on territorial integrity. Neither for Ukraine, nor for Slovakia, nor for any other country.

Ukraine and its partners are making efforts to withdraw Russians from Crimea, Donbas, and Luhansk so that they do not move further, including to Košice, Presov, and other Slovak regions. Let's be honest: without security in Ukraine, there will be no security in Slovakia or in Europe as a whole

- said Nikolenko on Facebook.

He noted that the world should work together to bring Ukraine's victory closer. 


Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico said that Ukraine "must give" part of its territory to Russia to end the war. 

Tatiana Kraevskaya



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