
The President spoke about the security agreement with the United States: "Patriot" will become the basis of air defense

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Ukraine will receive Patriot air defense systems, F-16 fighter jets, and stable financial support for 10 years under a new security agreement that will be in effect even in peacetime.

As part of the security agreement signed with the United States, Ukraine will receive stable financial support for 10 years, and Patriot systems, F-16 aircraft and other weapons will be supplied even in peacetime. This was stated by Deputy Head of the Presidential Office Ihor Zhovkva in a telethon, according to a correspondent of UNN.


Zhovkva said that the agreement provided Ukraine with a rapid response mechanism that would allow the United States to respond within 24 hours if russian aggression resumed after the victory. In the event of an attack, the processes will develop differently than in 2022. Representatives of the two countries should meet at the highest level and discuss possible forms of additional assistance that the United States could provide to Ukraine.

It is stated that military assistance to Ukraine will last for 10 years, both during war and peace. The United States will help with Ukraine's military capabilities during times of peace, and in case of renewed aggression, it will respond

- He said.

According to him, the treaty specifically lists the types of weapons that America provides and will continue to provide.

It was noted that Patriot systems will be the basis of our air defense. The United States will continue to provide them to Ukraine. As well as F-16 aircraft - it is stated that these will be squadrons, that is, as many as Ukraine needs to protect itself

- He added.

Zhovkva emphasized that this is not the entire list, as there will be artillery systems and shells, ammunition, etc.

He also noted one of the important points of the agreement, according to which the United States will provide specific and stable financial assistance for the purchase of such weapons.


The security agreement signed between Ukraine and the United States was a landmark event, as Ukraine now has such agreements signed with all G7 countries.

"Передбачає суттєве розширення співпраці": у Зеленського розповіли про безпекову угоду з Японією14.06.24, 11:45 • [views_32659]

Iryna Kolesnik



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