
The enemy launched 5 assaults near Robotyn and Staromayorske and one on the left bank of Kherson region, 87 occupants suffered losses over the day - OC "South"

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Russian troops conducted 5 assaults in the Orikhiv sector and one in the Kherson region, losing 87 personnel, 70 weapons and military equipment, while the Ukrainian Armed Forces continue to hold and strengthen their positions.

Russian troops made 5 assaults in the Orikhiv direction and one on the left bank of the Kherson region yesterday, suffering losses in manpower and equipment, while the Defense Forces continue to hold and strengthen their positions. This was reported on Wednesday by the operational command "South", UNN writes.


As indicated, the enemy does not abandon its intentions to drive our units from their positions. "Conducted 5 assaults in the Orikhivsk sector, 4 of them in the area of Robotyne and 1 in the area of Staromayorsk. They were unsuccessful. On the left bank of the Dnipro River in Kherson region, the enemy made 1 assault on our positions. Having suffered losses, he retreated to his original positions. Our fighters continue to take comprehensive measures to hold and strengthen their positions," the "South" military command posted on Facebook.

In the operational zone of the Southern Defense Forces, as noted, daily counter-battery fighting continues.

The Southern Defense Forces continue to fire at enemy locations, firing positions and rear areas. During the day, we received confirmation that the enemy's numbers at the Orikhiv and Kherson directions decreased by: 87 occupants; 70 units of weapons and military equipment, including: 1 tank; 40 units of armored vehicles; 19 artillery systems; 1 Superkam UAV; 3 video surveillance systems; 3 electronic warfare stations; 3 boats. Eight field ammunition depots were damaged.  

At the same time, the occupiers do not stop aerial reconnaissance, put pressure with artillery shelling, carry out air strikes, and use a large number of attack drones of various types, the "South" command reported.

During the combat day, the occupiers reportedly carried out 5 air strikes, using four dozen unguided missiles in the Orikhiv sector and 4 guided bombs in the Kherson region. The enemy continues its tendency to "remind" Kherson region about the bombing once a week. The enemy continued terrorizing civilians in the frontline areas of Dnipropetrovska, Zaporizka and Kherson regions using 104 FPV drones, 9 Lancet attack UAVs and dropped 169 fragmentation munitions from UAVs of various modifications. The flight of 255 reconnaissance UAVs was detected in the operational area.

"There are no enemy submarines in the Black and Azov Seas. The missile carriers have been brought to their basing points," the Southern Command said.

На Дніпропетровщині знищили ворожий БПЛА 10.04.24, 11:03


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