
Svyrydenko: UAH 1.5 billion allocated to support business in Kharkiv region

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In 2024, UAH 1.5 billion will be allocated to support businesses in the Kharkiv region through various programs under the Made in Ukraine policy, including grants, affordable loans, compensation for agricultural machinery, as well as initiatives to increase microgrants and provide portfolio guarantees to help entrepreneurs operate in the face of challenges related to the ongoing conflict.

In 2024, UAH 1.5 billion will be allocated for entrepreneurs in Kharkiv region as part of a business support program. This was announced by Yulia Svyrydenko, First Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine and Minister of Economy, during her working visit to Kharkiv region.

As part of this one and a half billion hryvnias, Kharkiv region businesses can use all the tools under the "Made in Ukraine" policy. These include grants for processing, microgrants, affordable loans, a mortgage program, compensation to farmers for domestic agricultural machinery, and other programs

- Svyrydenko says.

According to her, it is important for the country to support frontline regions such as Kharkiv, as more than 60,000 facilities have been damaged since the invasion. Svyrydenko said that due to regular shelling of the region and problems with electricity supply, the government is developing several initiatives to support businesses in Kharkiv.

It is planned to increase the maximum amount of microgrants for businesses from UAH 250 thousand to UAH 500 thousand and expand the microgrant program for self-employed individuals to UAH 100 thousand.

The government is also considering introducing a compensation program for small, medium and large businesses, provided that they retain or create new jobs for up to six months.

The government has instructed ministries and other government agencies to consider options for providing portfolio guarantees to micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises in Kharkiv. In addition, it is planned to establish preferential tariffs for rail freight transportation from stations located in the frontline areas.

Due to the lack of electricity and regular shelling, businesses in Kharkiv region are operating in extremely difficult conditions, purchasing tons of fuel per day to operate at least with the help of generators. That is why we are working on solutions that would help support entrepreneurs. So I urge Ukrainian businesses and citizens to support Kharkiv entrepreneurs with generators, fuel and orders for their goods. In this difficult time, it is important for us to be united as never before

- added Yulia Svyrydenko.

According to the First Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine, the state has allocated a record UAH 45 billion to support Ukrainian business in 2024. The programs are expected to contribute 1% to this year's GDP growth of 4.6%.


President Zelenskyy visited Kharkiv region, where he attended a presentation of the Made in Ukraine economic platform, met with local businesses, and discussed solutions to strengthen air defense and support the regional economy during the war.

Ремонт, децентралізація генерації, ППО: Шмигаль виділив основні вектори діяльності щодо енергетичної безпеки09.04.24, 14:31


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