
Strengthening control on the northern border of Ukraine: border guards told about security measures

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The State Border Guard Service is stepping up security measures on the border with Belarus. The territory is being fortified, mined, and modern surveillance systems are being used to control the border.

The border with Belarus continues to be dangerous. Comprehensive measures continue to be taken to strengthen security on Ukraine's northern border. Measures are being taken to strengthen the border and mine the territory. This was reported on Monday by the Northern Regional Office of the State Border Guard Service, UNN reports.


The border with Belarus remains dangerous. The border is being strengthened. Measures are being taken to further equip it with engineering. At the same time, the territory is being mined

 - the regional office of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine wrote on Facebook. 

Border guards protect the state border using visual and radar surveillance devices. Separately, the border is monitored by means of round-the-clock surveillance, and separately by elements for detecting moving ground objects that can determine the coordinates of the target, the direction and speed of their movement.

Reportedly, there is a modern and reliable air monitoring system in place, which is supported by remote video surveillance cameras that allow remote control over the entire length of the state border.

Border guards actively use boats when patrolling river and lake areas.

They monitor the water surface and the surrounding area to prevent possible illegal border crossings.

At the same time, the restrictions imposed during the martial law period continue to apply in the border area. In order to stay in the border area, persons must obtain an appropriate document, the State Border Guard Service reminded.

На кордоні з білоруссю ситуація незмінна, ворог також не розгортає додаткові сили біля кордону з Сумщиною - Демченко27.07.24, 17:59


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