
Situation in Chernihiv region: enemy strikes at the border with mortars and artillery

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russian troops attacked the border of Chernihiv region with mortars and artillery. Thirty-four explosions were recorded in different communities, with no information on casualties.

russians shelled the border of Chernihiv region, resulting in 34 explosions. There is no information about the victims. This was reported by the State Border Guard Service, UNN reports. 


Over the last day, mortar and artillery shelling took place in Chernihiv region, where 34 explosions were recorded.

  • In Novhorod-Siverska community, there were 9 explosions, probably from artillery, in the direction of Kamianska Sloboda and Kovpynka. 
  • In Semenivska community, 2 explosions, probably from artillery, were recorded near the village of Liskivshchyna.
  • The Snovska community was shelled with a 120-mm mortar near the village of Klyusy.
  • In Horodnyanska community, there were 15 explosions, allegedly from a 120-mm mortar, in the direction of Berylivka.

So far, there have been no reports of casualties or injuries among the local population.


There were 147 combat engagements in the frontline over the last day. The situation was the most tense in the Pokrovsk sector, and the enemy was also active in the Kurakhove sector. This is stated in the report of the General Staff

росіяни вночі та вранці 9 разів обстріляли Сумщину: під вогнем опинились чотири громади26.07.24, 09:17


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