
SES warns of fraudulent messages about alleged plan to evacuate Ukrainians

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Fraudulent messages about the evacuation plan for Ukrainians, allegedly sent by the State Emergency Service, are the work of cybercriminals, the agency warns.

The messages that Ukrainians began to receive about the alleged evacuation plan are the work of cyber fraudsters, the State Emergency Service said, UNN reports. 

Today, Ukrainians have started receiving messages allegedly from the State Emergency Service regarding the evacuation plan with suspicious links! We officially inform you: this is the work of cyber fraudsters! 

- the SES said in a statement.

The agency noted that they did not send out these messages, and it is extremely dangerous to follow the links! 

They also urged to trust only trusted sources and to remember that  all relevant information is always posted on the official website and social media pages of the SES.

В рф поширюють фейкове відео про постріл в працівника ТЦК – поліція закликає довіряти лише офіційним джерелам16.01.24, 18:25

Tatiana Kraevskaya



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