
SBI uncovers scheme of dismissal from military service due to care for relatives using fake documents

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In Kamianske, a scheme to falsify documents for the dismissal of military personnel was exposed. Fake certificates of disability of relatives were issued for 80 thousand UAH, which allowed avoiding service.

The scheme of illegal dismissal of servicemen through fictitious registration of care for relatives has been stopped. This was reported by the State Bureau of Investigation, UNN reports.


SBI officers jointly with the SBU served a notice of suspicion to a former military officer and an employee of the Kamianske City Council's municipal enterprise, Primary Health Care Center No. 3. They forged documents in order to further dismiss military personnel from service.

Investigators found out that in exchange for UAH 80 thousand, the dealers issued falsified certificates of disability to military personnel who allegedly needed supervision. Such circumstances are grounds for dismissal from military service.

Reportedly, at least 18 mobilized persons used the so-called "services", 12 of whom have already been discharged from military service. They also received statutory discharge payments totaling about UAH 500,000. Another 6 soldiers submitted fake documents and were waiting for discharge.

During the searches of the suspects' residences, law enforcement officers discovered that about 150 false certificates had been produced, and more than 30 forged seals of various medical institutions were seized.


Law enforcers exposed the commander of a department on one of the Ukrainian Navy vessels, who would not let his subordinates go ashore without a bribe. Investigators found that in order to take a legal day off from the ship, his subordinates had to pay him UAH 10 thousand. According to intelligence, this way he could earn at least 150 thousand hryvnias a month on sailors' time off. 

В Одесі ДБР викрило посадовця ТЦК, який організував багатомільйонну схему заробітку на ухилянтах27.05.24, 13:24


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