
Russia's attack on energy facilities: there is no capacity shortage

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Despite the Russian attacks on energy facilities, there is no capacity shortage in Ukraine's power grid, and power supply will be restored to all households within 24 hours.

After the Russian attack on Ukraine's energy facilities, there is no shortage of capacity in the power system and it is not expected to be. The power will be restored in three stages. First, it will take a day to power up all household consumers.

This was announced by Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal during a government meeting, UNN reports .

Today's Russian strikes were aimed primarily at our energy sector. About 20 substations and power plants, including the Dnipro hydroelectric power plant, were hit. There are problems in several regions

- Shmyhal said.

According to him, the power grid is intact and the power system is working steadily.

Thanks to the additional protection of our power facilities, we withstood the blow. There is no capacity shortage and it is not expected at this time. Repair teams are working 24/7 to restore electricity to Ukrainian homes as soon as possible

- Shmyhal said.

He noted that the power will be restored in three stages.

First, we are powering critical infrastructure. This includes heating, water supply, and hospitals. The second stage is to power the population. The third stage is to supply power to industry. Initially, we need a day to supply power to all household consumers. We will restore everything gradually

- Shmyhal said.

He added that Ukrenergo and the Ministry of Energy will provide all additional details.  


As a result of the massive attack by the Russian army on Ukraine on the night of March 22, four regions are still experiencing blackouts.  

Power supply has been restored in Donetsk region and the schedules of emergency blackouts, which were introduced after the massive Russian attack, have been canceled.  

Electricity supply was also restored to all subscribers in Sumy region. Emergency outage schedules have also been canceled there.  In addition, electricity supply to household consumers has been restored in Poltava region.  

На ДніпроГЕС запустили застину обладнання, заживлено споживачів на Вінниччині та Львівщині - Міненерго 22.03.24, 16:31


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Russia's attack on energy facilities: there is no capacity shortage

 • 21404 переглядiв