
russians advance on Ivanivske and Berdychi, the contact line is updated near three settlements

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The line of fighting near Klishchiyivka, Novomykhailivka and Tonenke has been changed. russian troops are storming Ivanivske and Berdychi.

On the frontline near Klishchiyivka, Novomykhailivka and Tonenke, the contact line has been updated. russians are storming Ivanivske and Berdychi.

This is reported by DeepState, reports UNN.

The contact line near Klishchiyivka, Novomykhailivka and Tonenke has been updated. Enemy conducts assaults in Ivanivske and Berdychi

- DeepState.

Армійці рф окупували Степове та Північне, й просуваються в районі Орлівки, Бердичева та Тоненького: мапа DeepState26.02.24, 23:58

Julia Kotvitskaya



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