
Russian hackers stole correspondence of US government officials through Microsoft mail - CISA

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Russian hackers have used access to Microsoft's email system to steal correspondence between US government officials and institutions.

A US cyber agency claims that Russian hackers used access to Microsoft to steal government emails. Reuters writes , UNN reports.


According to a directive from the U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, pro-Russian hackers used their access to Microsoft's MSFT.O email system to steal correspondence between officials and government agencies.

The warning that government agencies could be targeted by hackers due to stolen Microsoft emails came in March. After the company announced that it was still battling a group of hackers dubbed the Midnight Blizzard.

CISA declined to name the agencies that may have been affected. However, Microsoft said it is "working with customers to help them investigate and mitigate the impact. This includes working with CISA on an emergency directive to provide guidance to government agencies.

CISA warned that hackers could also target non-governmental groups.

"Other organizations may also have been affected by the theft of Microsoft corporate email.

CISA said, encouraging customers to contact Microsoft for more information.

The Russian Embassy in Washington, which has denied involvement in hacking campaigns in the past, has not yet responded to a request for comment.

В результаті кібератаки Китай міг дістати доступ до даних мільйонів виборців Великої Британії25.03.24, 11:25


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