
russia fired 26 times in Sumy region in one day: there are injured and 1 killed

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The terrorist country's forces conducted 26 attacks in Sumy region, causing 139 explosions. As a result of the aggression, a woman and a child were wounded, and their grandmother was killed.

The occupants fired 26 times in Sumy region, 139 explosions were recorded. As a result of the enemy aggression, a woman and a child were wounded, and their grandmother, unfortunately, died. This was reported by the Sumy Regional Military Administration, according to UNN.


Enemy troops continued active operations along the border with Ukraine, conducting 26 attacks in the border areas and settlements of Sumy region. A total of 139 explosions were recorded as a result of the attacks. The enemy was active in Khotyn, Bilopil, Krasnopil, Velykopysariv, Hlukhiv, Esman, Shalyhyne, Seredina-Buda and Znob-Novgorod communities.

The enemy attacked the Esman community with artillery (21 explosions). This attack resulted in the injury of a girl and the death of her grandmother. The victim was provided with the necessary medical assistance.

Mortar (27 explosions) and artillery (12 explosions) shelling was recorded in Velykopysarivska community, as well as the dropping of explosive ordnance from an unmanned aerial vehicle, which resulted in one explosion.

The Khotyn community suffered from artillery shelling with 13 explosions, while the enemy fired artillery in Seredina-Buda community, provoking 14 explosions and injuring a local resident.

Bilopilska community was shelled with artillery (1 explosion) and mortars (16 explosions), while in Znob-Novhorodska community artillery shelling with 4 explosions was recorded.

Russian troops dropped 20 mines in the Krasnopilska community, and in the Shalyhinska community, the enemy struck with an FPV drone with 4 explosions. The Hlukhiv community also came under artillery fire with one explosion.

росіяни годину били по Сумщині з артилерії: загинула літня жінка, поранено онуку-підлітка10.05.24, 15:56

Julia Kotvitskaya



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