
Rocket attack on a hotel in Kharkiv: rescuers save two people

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Rescuers rescued two people and evacuated 19 after rockets hit a Kharkiv hotel, injuring 11 people, including a journalist.

Employees of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine rescued 2 wounded people and evacuated 19 people during the aftermath of an enemy attack on a hotel in Kharkiv. This was reported by the State Emergency Service of Ukraine, UNN reports.


According to preliminary information, a total of 11 people were injured, including hotel staff and guests, including one foreign journalist.


On January 10, in the evening, the Russian army launched rocket attacks on the central part of Kharkiv. Two missiles hit a hotel building.

The three-story hotel building was damaged, as well as cars parked nearby. The fire covered an area of about 20 square meters. Eight people were evacuated from the building.

росіяни влучили двома ракетами біля готелю в центрі Харкова, серед постраждалих – турецькі журналісти11.01.24, 00:09

Lilia Podolyak



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