
“Resistance": the environment in the TOT is at a critical level, with an outbreak of cholera in Crimea among the consequences

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The National Resistance Center reports critical pollution of the Azov Sea and Arabat Spit in the occupied territories. The consequences include danger to marine life and an outbreak of cholera in Crimea.

The National Resistance Center reports on the facts of critical pollution of the Azov Sea and the Arabat Spit, in particular. UNN writes with reference to the TV channel “Resistance”.


The environment in the temporarily occupied territories is at a critical level. At the moment  , there are facts of critical pollution of the Azov Sea in the temporarily occupied Genichesk district and Arabat Spit.

It has become dangerous not only for people but also for marine life in this region.

Resistance notes that this situation is the result of “the criminal activities of the Russian Federation in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine.

The Center of National Resistance includes the problem of deforestation and water pollution. Finally, there is the outbreak of cholera in the occupied Crimea.

На ТОТ Херсонщини вода не придатна до будь-якого використання - Центр нацспротиву28.07.24, 17:18


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