
Rehabilitation of defenders: adaptive sports training for veterans wounded in the war took place in Cherkasy region

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Adaptive sports training for veterans who were wounded in the war took place in Cherkasy region.

30 veterans who were injured during the hostilities conducted adaptive sports training in Kaniv. They shot archery, played wheelchair basketball, rode a handbike and threw the shot put, UNN reports, citing the press service of the MHP-Hromada Charitable Foundation.

Adaptive sport is a sport that allows a person with a disability to socialize with others and assert themselves. It is a very important component of the rehabilitation of wounded soldiers around the world

- says Andriy Kuchera, head of the NGO "Union of Wounded Soldiers of Ukraine "Strong 300".

The initiative is being implemented as part of the MHP Poruch program to support military personnel, veterans and their families, with the support of the MHP-Hromada Foundation and the NGO Union of Wounded Military of Ukraine "Strong 300".

"As part of the comprehensive support program MHP Poruch, we create opportunities for medical, physical, psychological and social recovery of our defenders. And adaptive sports training is effective in this regard. It is important for us that every veteran can find themselves, including in sports," says Dina Lysakova, Head of the Center for Interaction with the Military and Veterans.

After treatment and the first phase of recovery, physical activity becomes especially important. This period is important for the veteran's socialization and adaptation to life in the community.

We want every veteran who returns home to his or her family, to work, to the community to find himself or herself in civilian life and feel supported. And it is precisely such veteran training that helps to form a veteran community, creates opportunities for interaction, cooperation and mutual support between veterans and other community members

- says Tatyana Volochai, director of the MHP-Hromada Foundation.

In the future, adaptive sports training will be held in other towns and villages across the country.


"MHP Poruch" is an individualized support and comprehensive support for military personnel, veterans, their families and those waiting for their loved ones to return from the war. The program is aimed at employees and residents of the communities where MHP enterprises are present.

Since February 24, 2022, more than 2,900 MHP employees have left our offices, production facilities and fields to defend us in the war. This is more than 10% of employees with military experience. Therefore, the company was one of the first in Ukraine to provide comprehensive and systematic support to defenders and their families: legal, psychological, treatment/rehabilitation, professional retraining and social adaptation.


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