
Rada adopts in the first reading a bill that will allow to complete the Holodomor Museum at the expense of Canada

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The Ukrainian parliament passed in the first reading a bill that is a prerequisite for Canada to provide more than $420 million to complete the construction of the National Holodomor Museum.

The Verkhovna Rada has adopted in the first reading draft law No. 10361 on the activities of the National Holodomor Museum. It is a condition for receiving assistance of about UAH 420 million from Canada to complete the construction of the Holodomor Museum. This was reported by the Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Humanitarian and Information Policy, MP Yevhenia Kravchuk, according to UNN

230 votes in favor! The draft law - a condition for receiving assistance from Canada for the completion and exposition of the Holodomor-Genocide Museum - has passed the first reading

- wrote the MP in social networks. 

According to her, the law is a prerequisite for the Canadian government to provide about 420 million UAH for the completion of the Museum, as well as additional financial support from patrons and the diaspora for the arrangement of the exposition. 

The Museum will also have a supervisory and expert council, which will include representatives of professional and academic groups, international organizations of Ukrainians abroad, and descendants of Holodomor victims.

Комітет ВР підтримав законопроєкт, який дозволить добудувати Музей Голодомору коштом Канади09.01.24, 11:11

Tatiana Kraevskaya



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