
Pro-Russian hackers attacked Ukraine's state and commercial sector - Southern Defense Forces

 • 30224 переглядiв

Pro-Russian hackers have launched phishing attacks against Ukraine's public and commercial sectors, with the Ministry of Defense being the most affected. Although automated systems have blocked most of the threats, the Southern Defense Command warns that the attack is ongoing and urges vigilance.

Hacker phishing attacks on Ukraine's public and commercial sectors were recorded by law enforcement over the past day. According to the Southern Defense Forces, most of them were blocked automatically, but Ukrainians are urged  to be careful. This was reported by UNN.

Attacks on the public and commercial sectors of Ukraine were recorded yesterday. Hacker groups funded by Russia also attacked the resources of the Ministry of Defense using phishing, distributing remote code execution malware and blocking access to web resources. Most of them are blocked automatically.

- the statement said.


The Southern Defense Forces also warn that the attack continues. It is noted that the hackers are distributing emails with the subject lines "Information from the State Special Communications Service of Ukraine" and "State Emergency Service of Ukraine", allegedly from the mentioned structures.

In addition, the SBU detected the spread of malicious software from the Russian GRU group Gamaredon, aimed at gaining access to personal and confidential user data and proprietary information.

We would like to warn you about a potential cyber threat that could be critical for you and your personal data. Please be careful and attentive, especially when receiving emails and attachments from unknown sources that may hide malware. We would like to draw your attention to the seriousness of the situation and urge you to be especially careful and cautious online.

- the department urges

Tatiana Salganik



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