
Occupants recruit schoolchildren from TOT of Luhansk region to the militant movement “Academy of Friendship of Peoples ‘Akhmat’: Lubinets reacts

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Russians involve Ukrainian children from the occupied Luhansk region in military training at the 'Academy of Friendship of Peoples Akhmat'. Ombudsman Lubinets calls on the international community to respond to violations of children's rights.

Russians are recruiting Ukrainian schoolchildren from the temporarily occupied Luhansk region to the children's militant movement “Academy of Friendship of Peoples ‘Akhmat’, which operates under the patronage of the Chechen formation of the same name. Ukrainian Parliamentary Commissioner for Human Rights Dmytro Lubinets called on the international community to respond, as Ukrainian children should not be used by Russians as an instrument of genocidal war, UNN reports .


The occupiers are recruiting schoolchildren from the occupied Luhansk region to the children's militant movement “Academy of Friendship of Peoples ‘Akhmat’, which operates under the patronage of the Chechen formation of the same name. Recently, in Luhansk, “graduates” of the first shift have already received diplomas for “readiness to serve their country and protect its values”

- Lubinets said.

He added that for two weeks, Ukrainian children took army training courses, were fully equipped, wearing bulletproof vests and carrying weapons, “fought” in the field, from the trenches and on the driver's side, gained tactical medicine skills and learned Russian “patriotism” under the guidance of Caucasian commanders.

“The aggressor's plans are far-sighted - first on the basis of summer camps, and then as part of a nationwide program to create a foothold for intensive military training for Ukrainian children in order to turn them into full-fledged soldiers in a short time.

I emphasize that militarization is a gross violation of children's rights committed by the aggressor country. The Kremlin is forcibly forming a generation of Ukrainian children that teaches hatred and violence against everything Ukrainian. I demand the international community to react. Ukrainian children should not be used by the Russians as an instrument of genocidal war,” Lubinets said.


The “lPR” is intensifying propaganda in its work with adolescents, launching work among adolescents to “prevent extremism and terrorism.” However, young people in the occupied territories, despite all the efforts of Russian propagandists, do not accept the regime.

Pavlo Bashynskyi



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