
Ministry of Defense: launch of medical information system is planned by the end of the year

 • 19806 переглядiв

The Ministry of Defense plans to launch a project to digitalize medicine in the military by the end of the year. The system will help doctors track the treatment of wounded Armed Forces soldiers and optimize the use of resources.

The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine plans to launch a project to digitalize medicine and a medical information system in the military by the end of the year, which will help doctors understand what kind of care a wounded soldier received and what the next stage of treatment should be. This was stated by Deputy Minister of Defense for Social Development Natalia Kalmykova during a telethon on Monday, UNN reports.


"The project of digitalizing medicine and the medical information system was launched last year, and now we have developed and built a network in all hospitals. And doctors have already started working, filling in data on the wounded, monitoring their movement from one healthcare facility to another. In order to optimize the use of the resource, to understand what kind of help a person has received and what kind of help is needed at the next stage, we are moving on to the next stage - the deployment of a medical information system in the medical structure in the military. Digital specialists are already working on this model, we are looking for and have already partially funded it. This is one of the priorities set by President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy," Kalmykova said.

She noted that the Ministry of Defense sets time limits for launching the system in all hospitals by the end of the year.


President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy saidthat the Ministry of Defense and the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine should deploy a medical information system in military units by the end of the year to make the route of the wounded transparent and clear. The President also instructed the Cabinet of Ministers to provide funding for the creation of a modern rehabilitation hospital.


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