
Macron says there is a "strategic awakening" in Europe because of rf

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Macron said there was a "strategic awakening" in Europe in response to Russian aggression, expressed in proposals for a European missile defense shield and Poland's willingness to host NATO nuclear weapons.

French President Emmanuel Macron believes that there is a "strategic awakening" in Europe because of the Russian aggression rf in Ukraine. He explained what this is manifested in in an interview The Economist, reports UNN

There is indeed a strategic awakening in Europe in response to Russian aggression. This awakening is taking place in several directions. Today we see it with the Germans' proposal for a European missile defense shield capability. Or with Poland, which says it is ready to host NATO nuclear weapons

- Macron stated.

He believes that European leaders need to sit down at the negotiating table and decide how the European space can be securely defended and how, in a credible and sustainable way, to create security guarantees for each of the member states, including the countries on Europe's eastern flank

“NATO provides one such answer, and it is out of the question to reject NATO interests. But this framework is much broader than what is currently being done within NATO. I would like to see a discussion within the European political community,” he said.

Макрон о возможном развертывании войск в Украине: "Исключить это априори - это не выучить уроки последних двух лет"02.05.2024, 14:08

Tatiana Kraevskaya



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