
Kostin met with the Prosecutor General of Poland: they discussed cooperation in the investigation of war crimes in Russia

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Ukraine's Prosecutor General Andriy Kostin met in Warsaw with his Polish counterpart, Minister of Justice and Prosecutor General of Poland Adam Bodnar. The parties discussed, among other things, cooperation in the investigation of Russian war crimes.

Prosecutor General of Ukraine Andriy Kostin met in Warsaw with the Minister of Justice and Prosecutor General of Poland Adam Bodnar. The parties discussed, in particular, cooperation in the investigation of Russian war crimes. This was reported by the Prosecutor General's Office, UNN reports .

The Prosecutor General's Office highly appreciates the contribution of two Polish expert missions to documenting war crimes committed by Russia, as well as the efforts of Polish prosecutors investigating the patterns of crimes committed by Russia during the war against Ukraine and other armed conflicts. We look forward to continuing our fruitful partnership and are fully open to expanding it to new areas,

- Kostin noted.


During the meeting, the prosecutors general discussed the involvement of Polish investigators in the investigation of Russian crimes in Ukraine, as well as the expansion of the international compensation mechanism to compensate Ukraine for the damage caused by Russia during the war.

The idea of establishing an international tribunal to try those guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity by Russians was also raised, according to the website of the Polish Ministry of Justice.

В Україні вироки за воєнні злочини отримали вже 77 осіб - Генпрокурор 15.01.24, 12:09

Anna Onishchenko



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