
Klymenko on the detention of the suspect in Farion's murder: “The investigation is inclined to believe that the shooter is just a performer”

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Police have detained an 18-year-old resident of Dnipro suspected of murdering linguist Iryna Farion. The investigation believes he is the perpetrator and continues to investigate to establish all the circumstances of the crime.

Law enforcers have enough evidence to claim that it was an 18-year-old man detained in Dnipro who shot at linguist Iryna Farion, Interior Minister Igor Klymenko said, according to him, the investigation lasted 139 hours, UNN reports.

There is sufficient evidence to state that it was the detainee who shot the linguist. 139 hours of continuous work by a huge team of operatives, investigators, criminal analysts, experts, other police services, and employees of the Security Service of Ukraine

- Klymenko wrote.

According to him, law enforcement officers checked every corner along the shooter's route and searched about 100 hectares of forest.

Eventually, the suspect was tracked down. He was identified. "Having his photo, it was a matter of time: smart video surveillance cameras caught him everywhere," the minister added. 

Klymenko also said that in preparation for the crime, the 18-year-old Dnipro resident  rented at least three apartments in Lviv.

"Now the detainee is in the hands of the police. It is important to find out all the details. Currently, the investigation is inclined to believe that the shooter is only the executor," the minister added. 


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