
January 11: World Day for Equality at Work, International Day of "Thank You"

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World Day for Equality at Work is celebrated around the world to promote diversity and combat discrimination in the workplace, aiming to ensure equality based on gender, age, race and disability.

Today, on January 11, everyone can join the events on the occasion of the World Day for Equality at Work, UNN reports.

The event was first celebrated in London in 2017. The following year, people in many countries joined the World Day for Equality at Work.

 The main purpose of today's event  is to encourage workplace diversity, to combat discrimination based on gender, age, race, religion, and physical or mental disability that exists in the field of employment.

According to some estimates, full economic equality in employment between men and women can be achieved no earlier than 100 years from now.

Also today, many countries around the world celebrate the International Day of Gratitude.

Whatever language the word "Thank you" is spoken in,  it is a sign that a person has not only been noticed but also appreciated someone's good deed. After all, other people are pleased to know that their efforts were necessary and valuable.

On the other hand, gratitude is the logical conclusion of any business, and if it is not expressed in any way, there is a feeling of awkwardness and regret.

According to psychologists,  people who are not stingy with gratitude always have more friends and good acquaintances, because communication with them evokes positive emotions. On the other hand, people who are not used to thanking for a good service are perceived as uneducated and are unlikely to be able to count on help in the future.

January 11 is also Paget's disease awareness day.

In the nineteenth century, this rare anomaly was first described and defined as a separate disease by the British surgeon and pathologist James Paget. It is characterized by the breakdown of bone tissue, which leads to weakening and deformation of the bones

According to the church calendar, today is the Day of St. Theodosius the Great, who was born  in the fifth century in Cappadocia into a Christian family.

At a young age, he became a monk and later traveled to Palestine, where he lived as a hermit in a cave for 30 years. For his devotion to the Lord, Theodosius received the gift of healing and miracles.

Many people came to his cave, so he decided to found a monastery there. It is believed that Theodosius the Great lived 105 years.

Theodosius, Fedir, Stepan, and Mykhailo celebrate their name days on January 11.

Zakhar Podkidyshev

UNN Lite


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