
Increase in excise taxes: expert explains how much the cost of liquefied gas may increase in September

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The director of the A-95 consulting company predicts that the price of liquefied gas may rise to 33 UAH/l in September due to an increase in excise duty. Gasoline and diesel prices will remain unchanged due to low oil prices.

There will be no increase in the price of gasoline and diesel. Liquefied gas may rise by UAH 3 in September. This was reported to UNN by Serhiy Kuyun, director of the A-95 consulting company, commenting on the President's signing of the law on raising excise taxes on gasoline, diesel and autogas.

There will be no price increase, neither for gasoline nor diesel. First of all, there is a small increase in excise duty - one and a half hryvnia for gasoline and two hryvnia for diesel. Secondly, oil prices fell in August and are now at fairly low levels. All this allowed traders to buy quite a lot of fuel in August. That is, the price is relatively low, there are reserves, and, accordingly, this will allow us to go absolutely smoothly and not notice this increase. That is, the compensation has been made, the tax component of the price has increased, while the purchase price component has fallen, and the final price will remain unchanged

- Kuyun said.

However, he noted that the only exception is liquefied gas.

"The excise tax on it is much higher - by UAH 5.20 on average. This factor cannot be compensated for by a decline in the market. That is why the increase has already begun, it has already started in August, with about UAH 1 added to gas prices in August. Now I think this process will accelerate, I think about UAH 1 per week will be added to the price and in September it will reach about UAH 33 per liter, today it is UAH 30. That is, the price should rise by UAH 3 in September. But at the same time, gas will remain cost-effective compared to gasoline, and owners of cars with CNG will continue to save money," Kuyun said.

Summarizing, he noted that they managed to avoid fluctuations with the excise tax, and everything will depend on such factors as the global market and the currency exchange rate.

"So, if these two factors are not favorable, if oil goes up in price, the exchange rate will continue to fall, and this will put pressure on prices," Kuyun said.


President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy has signed a bill to increase the excise tax on fuel. The law should come into force on September 1.

Підвищення акцизу на пальне, припинення виплат людям, які безкоштовно надавали своє житло переселенцям. Які ще зміни очікують на українців з першого вересня01.09.24, 06:37

Anna Murashko



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