
IAEA experts cannot get access to some ZNPP reactor halls

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IAEA experts were denied access to some reactor halls at Zaporizhzhia NPP, raising concerns about nuclear safety.

For the past two weeks, IAEA experts have been unable to access the reactor halls of some units of the Zaporizhzhia NPP. This was reported by the IAEA, UNN writes.

The IAEA experts are still unable to access all parts of the site, and for the past two weeks they have not been allowed to access the reactor halls of units 1, 2 and 6. This is the first time that IAEA experts have not been granted access to the reactor hall of a unit that was on cold shutdown. This is where the reactor core and spent fuel are located. The team will continue to request this access. 

- the IAEA said in a statement.


Five of the six ZNPP reactors remain in cold shutdown mode, while Unit 4 is in hot shutdown mode. The IAEA team continued to conduct site visits as part of its monitoring of the nuclear safety and security situation at ZNPP. However, for the first time, the experts were not granted access to the reactor halls of the cold shutdown units.

In addition, over the past week, access to some parts of the ZNPP turbine halls, including areas of units 3, 4 and 6, has been restricted. IAEA experts are also still waiting for the access to the reactor roofs scheduled for December 19, which was not held due to stated safety concerns.

Двоє загиблих, один поранений - наслідки ворожих обстрілів Запорізької області03.01.24, 08:37


On December 18, the occupiers did not allow the IAEA team to inspect the thermal power plant, which is crucial for backup power supply to the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. 

МАГАТЕ повідомляє про встановлення нових дизельних котлів на Запорізькій АЕС22.12.23, 01:50

Anna Onishchenko



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