
How to stay physically active in winter - an answer from experts

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The Center for Public Health has published tips on how to stay physically active in winter.

The winter season can be a difficult time to maintain physical activity due to lower temperatures, unfavorable weather, and shorter daylight hours. The Center for Public Health has listed tips on how to stay active in winter, UNN reports. 


The CPH reminds us that physical activity is one of the best ways to improve our mental and physical health.

And they note that the CDC  recommends that adults engage in at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity per week. They recommend trying to exercise 30 minutes 5 days a week and start with these simple tips to stay active all winter long:

1. Outdoor activities. If the weather is favorable, schedule time during the day to enjoy nature. Take a walk in a safe neighborhood or park.

2. Wear layers of clothing. Wear several layers of comfortable clothing so that you can easily remove them when you feel warmer. Layered clothing will help protect you from overheating, sweating, and ultimately hypothermia.

3. Train online. Consider signing up for an online exercise program. Find free or low-cost exercise videos online to help you practice aerobics, dance, or stretch.

4. Do household chores. If bad weather prevents you from going outside, look for ways to get physical activity indoors. Housework, such as cleaning, counts toward your physical activity goals. Cross some items off your to-do list while gaining health benefits. Walking or running up and down the stairs at home can also be a great workout.

5. Look for volunteer opportunities that involve physical activity, such as walking dogs for elderly neighbors or shoveling snow. 

How to determine the intensity of physical activity

To distinguish between moderate and vigorous physical activity, there is a simple test. Try talking during the activity. If you:

  • you breathe heavily but can easily carry on a conversation - this is moderate intensity activity;
  • can only say a few words before taking a breath is a high-intensity activity.

"Moderate-intensity physical activity is safe for most people. However, if you have a chronic illness, are overweight, or have a history of physical inactivity, be sure to consult your doctor about the types and amounts of activity that are right for you," the CDC notes.

Як зробити фізичні вправи звичкою: перерахували 6 порад25.01.24, 07:00

Julia Shramko



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