
Generators, boilers and wells: the Ministry of Health told about the preparation of hospitals for the autumn-winter period

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Health Minister Viktor Liashko said that all health care facilities are equipped with generators for autonomous power supply, which will allow them to continue working even in the event of power outages. He said this during a telethon, UNN reports.

All healthcare facilities are fully equipped with diesel or gasoline generators to ensure autonomous power supply in case of a power outage. We have carried out hospital planning for hospitals and provided for backup heat sources for hospitals

- Lyashko said. 

He says that more than 600 hospitals have already been provided with at least two sources of heat supply: a boiler house that works for the city and a boiler house that can work independently.

We also worked on the issue of water, creating a well and setting up an alternative energy source for it to ensure uninterrupted water supply. The healthcare system is potentially ready for any crisis

- the Minister emphasized.

According to him, all these are backup sources and they are not adapted to uninterrupted supply throughout the autumn and winter period.

We are working on the issue of connectivity, there are already more than 1.5 thousand Starlink devices in the healthcare system, and they work with a priority for emergency medical care so that an ambulance can be called

- He added.

Mr. Lyashko added that the generators have enough fuel for 5 days, which should be enough to resume operations.

There will be some limited access to some diagnostic services, as MRI and CT scans will not be able to be launched, they will not work as they would under a centralized power supply system

- Lyashko said.


Since the beginning of the year, the government and the Ministry of Health of Ukraine have introduced “mobile pharmacies,” which are already operating in 10 regions, covering almost 600 settlements.

Iryna Kolesnik



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