
Football referee Volodymyr Bezborotko died in the war

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Ukrainian arbitrator Volodymyr Bezborotko was killed while defending Ukraine in the Zaporizhzhya sector against Russia.

A 27-year-old football referee, Volodymyr Bezborotko, was killed in the Zaporizhzhia sector while defending Ukraine against Russian invaders. UNN reports this with reference to the press service of the UAF

Volodymyr Bezborotko, a 27-year-old referee from Bukovyna, was killed in the war against Russia. Volodymyr Bezborotko worked for the Football Association of Chernivtsi Region and made a significant contribution to the popularization of children's and youth football in Bukovyna

- the UAF said in a statement.


As noted, the arbitrator was killed while defending Ukraine in the Zaporizhzhia sector.

На війні загинув поет Максим Кривцов07.01.24, 22:03

Tatiana Kraevskaya



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