
Fire at a railway station in the rostov region of russia: a fuel tanker caught fire, no injuries reported

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At the kuberle railway station in the orel district of the rostov region of the russian federation, a fuel tanker caught fire over an area of 200 square meters, but no one was injured.

A fire broke out at the kuberle railway station in the oryol district of the rostov region of russia. This was reported by representatives of the russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, UNN reports.


According to the information, a fuel tanker caught fire at the kuberle railway station in the Orel district of rostov region.

The fire was contained to an area of 200 square meters.

No one was injured in the incident.

Пожежа в рф на нафтопереробному заводі в рязані13.03.24, 06:41

Julia Kotvitskaya

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