
Finland has drafted a bill to prevent the export of ammunition components to Russia

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Finland has drafted a bill to prevent the export of ammunition components to Russia as part of efforts to comply with EU sanctions.

To prevent Russia from circumventing sanctions and importing components for ammunition, Finland has developed a new bill. This was reported by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Finland, UNN reports .

The Ministry of Internal Affairs has developed a legislative draft to introduce a rule requiring authorization for the export of ammunition. The intention, according to the EU sanctions decision, is to prevent, in particular, the export of cartridge components to Russia,

- the statement said.


To ensure the implementation of the EU sanctions decision and thus prevent the export of components to Russia, Finland has drafted a new bill.

As part of the project, a regulatory framework is being prepared that will require a license for the export of components.

The requirements for permits for ammunition-like equipment will also be reviewed and the necessary regulations will be prepared.

Не дозволяти рф обходити санкції буквально означає блокувати терор – Зеленський 18.01.24, 20:44

Anna Onishchenko



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    Finland has drafted a bill to prevent the export of ammunition components to Russia

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