
Due to mass desertion, the russian army does not give leave to the wounded - DIU

 • 21611 переглядiв

The wounded occupants do not receive the vacations provided for rehabilitation because of mass desertion. This was reported by the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, UNN reports.


According to the GUR, despite the fact that the occupiers use civilian hospitals in the temporarily occupied territories as military hospitals, they still do not have enough space to accommodate all the wounded. Therefore, they refuse to hospitalize those who have been lightly injured.

Depriving the civilian population of basic medical needs in the enslaved regions of Ukraine and transferring medical institutions to the military needs of the Moscow occupation army did not work. In this regard, the russian command decided to refuse treatment to lightly wounded

- the statement said.

Only those with moderate injuries are treated in the occupied territories. Those with severe injuries are sent to russian territory due to a lack of equipment and qualified specialists, although not all of them make it there.

Gur also notes that the rehabilitation leaves provided for the occupiers after their injuries have become an acute problem for the russian occupation army, as many do not return after such leaves.

The facts of failure to return from "rehabilitation" led to the decision to cancel such leaves altogether - another method by which the Russian occupation command is trying to stop mass desertion

- the DIU added.

Через втрати на фронті рф прискорює підготовку молодших лейтенантів - ГУР 28.12.23, 11:38

Anastasia Ryabokon



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