
Donetsk region: Russian troops wound another man in Siversk

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As a result of Russian attacks in the Donetsk region, 4 people were killed and 4 were wounded. The shelling took place in Toretsk, Hrodivka and Siversk, and damaged residential buildings.

Russian troops wounded a man in Siversk today, bringing the number of casualties from enemy shelling in Donetsk region to four, four more people were killed, the Donetsk regional prosecutor's office reported, UNN reports.


According to the prosecutor's office, on July 29, the occupation forces attacked the settlements of Bakhmut and Pokrovsk districts.

Earlier, RMA reported on hostile attacks on Toretsk and Hrodivka, where four people were killed and three were wounded.

росіяни обстріляли Торецьк та Гродівку на Донеччині: щонайменше 4 загиблих, є поранені29.07.24, 13:32

According to the prosecutor's office, the enemy's attack on Toretsk was a combined one, involving the use of aircraft and artillery, with three casualties and three wounded in a residential area. In addition, the enemy shelled the village of Hrodivka, Pokrovsk district, where a person was also killed.

A 66-year-old man sustained a mine-blast trauma and a shoulder wound as a result of shelling in the town of Siversk. He was taken to a hospital where he received qualified assistance

- the prosecutor's office said.

Residential buildings and outbuildings were damaged.

The type of weapon used is being clarified.


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