
Defense forces repel 4 assaults on the left bank of Dnipro and sink a russian boat

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The Ukrainian military held their positions and killed more than a hundred russians during eight attempts of russian assaults in several directions in the Joint Forces Operation area, and destroyed 57 units of russian weapons and military equipment.

In the operational area of the Defense Forces, russians attempted to storm Ukrainian positions on several fronts eight times. The Ukrainian military held their positions and eliminated more than a hundred russians. This was reported by UNN with reference to the Southern Defense Forces.


The military emphasizes that in the operational zone of the Southern Defense Forces, repulsing enemy attacks and counter-battery combat aimed at reducing the enemy's combat potential continues.

In addition, on  Orikhiv direction, russian occupation forces carried out 4 assaults, 2 of which were in the areas of Mala Tokmachka and Staromayorske. They were unsuccessful.

Also on the left bank of the Dnipro, in the Kherson region, the occupiers managed four assaults on our positions. But even here, they suffered losses and retreated to their original positions.

The southern defense forces emphasize that the Ukrainian military  continue to take comprehensive measures to hold and strengthen their positions.

At the same time , the Defense Forces are inflicting fire damage on enemy locations, firing positions and rear areas. In particular, received confirmation that the enemy's positions in the Orikhivsk and Kherson directions were destroyed:

  •  126 occupants;
  • 57 units of weapons and military equipment, in particular:
  • 2 tanks;
  • 22 units of armored vehicles;
  • 22 artillery systems;
  • 2 UAVs;
  • 1 radar station;
  • 1 long-range visual surveillance system;
  • 6 aerial photo stations;
  • 1 boat.


The Southern Defense Forces added that the russians are actively conducting aerial reconnaissance, putting pressure with artillery shelling, air strikes, and using a large number of attack drones of various types

There are no enemy ships in the Black and Azov Seas. Missile launchers continue to hide in their basing points

- the military summarized.

Павлюк показав, як Сили оборони знищили російський дрон із ЗРК "Стріла"02.04.24, 11:42


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