
Collaborated with the occupiers by chairing an illegal village council in Kherson region: collaborator faces 10 years in prison

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A resident of the Kherson region faces up to 10 years in prison for collaborating with the enemy by holding the position of "acting head" in an illegally created village council and supporting the actions and decisions of the Russian occupation forces.

An indictment has been sent to court against a traitor who held the position of "head" of a village in an illegally created government body in Kherson region. The defendant organized the work of the pseudo-authority, supporting the actions and decisions of the aggressor state; the collaborator faces up to 10 years in prison, UNN reports with reference to the Kherson Regional Prosecutor's Office.


An indictment against a resident of the Kherson region on the fact of  collaboration was sent to court. The investigation established that in May 2022, the accused collaborated with the enemy - she held the position of "acting head" in an illegally created government body called the "Blahodatne Village Council of the Skadovsk Municipal District of the Kherson Region".

The traitor also organized the work of the pseudo-organ, selected and appointed people to it, the Kherson Prosecutor's Office reports.

The investigation established that the accused supported the actions and decisions of the aggressor state, its armed forces and the occupation administration, in particular, she organized pro-Russian mass events.

The traitor faces up to 10 years in prison with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a similar period with confiscation of property.


An entrepreneur was detained in Kyiv, who runs a business in the occupied territory and supplies Russians with construction materials for defense fortifications.

Four traitors who fought against Ukrainian troops in eastern and southern Ukraine as part of Russian occupation groupswere sentenced to 15 years in prison for treason, participation in a terrorist group and assistance to the Russian armed forces.


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