
Cherkasy region detains gang of counterfeiters selling cigarettes and alcohol without excise duty

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In Cherkasy region, officers of the Economic Crime Department in Cherkasy region eliminated a gang that sold excisable cigarettes and alcohol, seizing UAH 3.6 million worth of goods from illicit trafficking.

In Cherkasy region, detectives of the Economic Security Bureau exposed a gang selling cigarettes and alcohol without excise stamps. In total, during the searches, law enforcement officers seized counterfeit goods worth more than three million hryvnias.   This was reported by the BES press service, UNN reported .

The estimated value of the seized items is UAH 3.6 million.

- we asked the BES.


In total, law enforcement officers conducted 7 searches in commercial and warehouse premises in Cherkasy region.

During the investigation, they found and seized more than 38 thousand packs of tobacco products without excise stamps or with counterfeit excise stamps, disposable electronic cigarettes without excise stamps, and almost 700 tetrapacks with the names of well-known brands of alcoholic beverages. Over 1000 liters of counterfeit elite alcohol were seized.

According to the investigation, the offenders distributed counterfeit goods in Kyiv, Cherkasy, Zaporizhzhia and other regions of Ukraine.

На Черкащині Нацполіція викрила підпільний тютюновий цех у колишній військовій частині04.01.24, 13:14

The pre-trial investigation is ongoing. Law enforcement officers are identifying all persons involved in this crime.

Контрабанда електронних цигарок: в.о. керівника Чернівецької митниці звільнено20.12.23, 13:50

Tatiana Salganik

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