
By killing babies in their sleep, Russia shows disrespect for peace agreements - Lithuanian Foreign Ministry

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Russia has demonstrated disrespect for peace agreements by killing 5 children who were sleeping during a drone strike on a residential building in Odesa, the Lithuanian Foreign Minister said.

Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis said that with yesterday's attack on a high-rise building in Odesa, Russia is showing clear disrespect for any peace agreements. He wrote about this in his social networks, reports UNN.


This is an absolutely outrageous murder. By deliberately killing babies in their sleep, Russia shows a clear disregard for any peace agreements, past or future. There must be serious and immediate consequences, not continued impunity

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania Gabrielius Landsbergis

Earlier, the Office of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine reported that 12 people, including 5 children, were killed in Odesa as a result of a UAV strike on a high-rise building yesterday.

В Одесі рятувальники завершили пошукові роботи: внаслідок удару рф загинули 12 людей03.03.24, 20:50

Lilia Podolyak



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