
Body of 8-year-old boy pulled out of pond after two children disappeared while walking on ice on Ingulka river - SES

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In Kirovograd region, the body of an eight-year-old child was pulled out of a body of water after reports of two missing children on the ice on the Ingulets River. The circumstances of the death are under investigation.

In Kirovograd region, the body of an eight-year-old child was pulled out of a reservoir after it was reported that two children had disappeared while walking on the ice of the Ingulets River, the State Emergency Service of Ukraine reported, UNN writes.


This weekend, on Saturday, the Rescue Service received a report from a concerned resident of the village of Oleksandrivka that two children were walking on the ice of the Ingulets River. According to the woman, the children disappeared.

Search and rescue operations continued the next day.

"At 9:29 a.m. on January 21, divers found and removed the body of a boy born in 2015 from the reservoir." The search for the second child continues," the SES reported.

The cause and circumstances of the death are being established by specialists.

На Київщині школяр штовхнув двох дітей з висоти: правоохоронці почали розслідування17.01.24, 15:09


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