
Arsenal of the Defense Forces replenished with new weapons

 • 19171 переглядiв

The arsenal of the Armed Forces has been replenished with 18 new models of weapons and military equipment authorized by the Ministry of Defense for purchase and use.

Over the past week, the Ministry of Defense has authorized 18 more samples of weapons and military equipment for use in the army. This was reported by the press service of the defense ministry, UNN reports.


From now on, new models of weapons can be purchased from manufacturers for the units of the Defense Forces at the expense of the state budget.

In addition, 24 more samples of weapons and military equipment were codified (received a certificate of a standardized item). 

According to the Ministry of Defense, the codification is part of the process of putting this equipment into military operation, ensuring its legal use, accounting and supervision.

In the first three months of 2024, the Ministry of Defense authorized more than 80 samples of domestically produced weapons and military equipment for use in the army.

Український ОПК отримав перше замовлення від міжнародних партнерів на закупівлю зброї для Сил оборони - Камишін18.04.24, 15:59


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